
Integrative Somatic Therapy for your Mind and Body

Group Fitness Classes

For 45 minutes, you’ll listen to your body as you move, breathe and release. 

The majority of class is spent on the rebounder working up a sweat and bringing emotions to the surface. We use wrist and ankle weights, resistance bands, and a weighted ring to strengthen and tone the entire body in between cardio sets on the rebounder. We close every class by scanning our bodies, resourcing and harnessing the resilience and strength we’ve tapped into.

Rebounders and mats in front of the window at Regulate studio

Individual Therapy Sessions

While each session caters to the unique needs and feelings of the individual, we generally begin with talking about how you feel and where you’re experiencing these feelings. Leading with the body enables us to regulate our systems more easily, which in turn creates space for deeper feelings to emerge and resolve. We then progress through a series of steps designed to help you process emotions, work through challenges, and build resilience by drawing on your own inner resources.